Gender equality refers to the equal rights and opportunities for people of all genders. It means that people's rights, resources, and decision-making powers should not be limited or denied based on their gender. True gender equality means dismantling barriers to equal rights. It involves valuing the different behaviors, desires, and aspirations of people of all genders equally.

Gender equity is closely related to equality, but refers more specifically to fairness and justice in the distribution of resources and opportunities based on gender needs. It recognizes that people of different genders have different needs, preferences, and life circumstances. Therefore, distributing things equally may not necessarily create fairness. Gender equity aims to provide different genders with the specific resources and opportunities they need to reach an equal state. It strives to dismantle societal norms and systemic biases that perpetuate disparities, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

see also

Gender equality

Gender Lens Investing: Driving Financial Returns and Social Impact - Women's World Banking